What a year! (And it’s only July) 2020

Jan = Pretty uneventful

Feb = I turned 36 and life seemed to be mostly butterflies and rainbows. I finished a 6 month weight loss bet where I won $1,620 bucks for losing 34 pounds. I took great supplements, ate a much better diet, drank my water and worked out hard. I earned that reward!

Mar = Covid-19 hits and in Texas the government started a stay at home order and I was sent home to work from there. This began with staying exclusively at home except for the weekly grocery pick up. Yes, really.

Apr & May = I was working on tasks outside of my normal job description and all while my normal work was slowing wayyyyyy down. (Thanks Covid) I did a distance easter egg hunt with 2 of my niblings, celebrated my 12th anniversary with a grocery cake and a “love ya babe”, sent birthday gifts in the mail to my sisters and got more “used to” being apart. (I recommend the app house party to video call your friends and family and even play some games if you want to!) I really liked working in my PJs and having no commute! Oh and we nearly got hit by a tornado!

Jun = This is where things get even more interesting, after finishing the tasks I was doing I was told my hours were going to be cut to 30 or less because work was really slow and my boss could handle it pretty much by herself. This was the first time in 7 years it had been this slow. I took that information and started searching for some side income. I was given a new task that would give me another full time week of work at the office. AWESOME, during this time I did some interviews and the week long job turned to 2 weeks and a job onsite. I figured the shoe could drop at any time with how this virus is spreading and so I accepted job as a bartender. Day 1 of my onsite job and I get a call on my lunch break saying my new bartending job I started, well someone I served at the bar 2 days before had tested positive. MORTIFIED!! I called my work and let them know, told my onsite coworker took my things and headed into 2 week isolation. *sigh* I feel compelled to isolate from my husband who I love with every fiber of my soul, because who wants to risk the health of the love of their life? Then, I was told there wasn’t enough work for me to do from home and was quickly laid off entirely. Happy 7 year work anniversary, here’s your final check. I’m on unemployment for the first time in my life. Day 13 I get a headache, and the worst nausea. That night I become more than nauseous can food can’t be kept down. YIKES, is this what I think it is? The next day is more of the headache and I’m soooo weak I can’t get out of bed hardly. Day three of symptoms and I feel pretty normal again, tiny small headache but not too much to bear. I schedule my covid test. Now, we wait

Jul = Day 14 after the test and HURRAY I’m negative and I can kiss and hug my husband again!!!!! This begin finding a little more me, I’m baking again, like from scratch for the first time in years. I feel lighter, my husband is starting a new job things are looking up although so many of my friends and family are suffering from this cruel monster of virus, and all the hatred going on in the world.

So today I reflect on this, you can not change anyone else, you can only control what you do, who you are and how you act. Ultimately, that matters a hell of a lot, so try your best at that.

All my love,

Stephanie Robleto