My first food post.

I love food and I’m super excited to share a little about some food I love. It used to be all foods from the drive-through if I’m being honest (which I will always be with you). After many years of slowly changing my eating habits I’ve shifted my mindset to much better options. Here are a few of my favorites:

My Pear Walnut Salad

I went WAY out on a limb one day and found a pear salad with apple cider vinaigrette recipe. This was from a Paleo cook book I bought online and although I had never tried and liked a salad with fruit in it, it was sooo delish I craved it! I didn’t see this recipe on the interwebs so I’ll just show you the book cover and you can decide to snatch this book up for yourself.

For respect of the author I won’t share her recipe since it wasn’t already available online. Please check out her book for yourself. I have enjoyed many of her recipes!

Kenzie Swanhart

Another recipe I make is a great snack or could be a nice lunch as well, I call it: chickpea salad and I started making this during a time where I was vegetarian. I know I just shared a Paleo recipe and I know I have been mainly a meat eater but, y’all, I’ve had many paradigm shifts in my eating over the years! Any way, so this recipe is super simple and very delicious.

Chickpea salad with wheat crackers

Chickpea salad

  • 1 can drained chickpeas (a.k.a. garbanzo beans)
  • 1 avocado
  • salt and pepper and any other seasoning that brings you joy
  • a vessel to eat it with (could be bread, crackers etc.)

Instructions: Just mash the chickpeas with the avocado and season to your taste. Serve like a chicken salad sandwich or with crackers. Trust me it’s so dang yummy! It’s not the prettiest meal so don’t be alarmed

Lets add one more for good measure (my favorite number is 3 so it makes sense to me)

This isn’t really a recipe more of a tip but I’ll share it anyway. When I’m craving something sweet I either mix up delicious protein shake I get mine here: or I pour out a serving of frozen blueberries and turn my entire mouth blue. Shout out to my girl Courtney for telling me about this! I don’t know why but they are so good and could not take less effort. Here in Texas foods that are great for you and cool you off are GREAT! Try them and let me know what you think!

All my love
